Costum Sexy Dantela Asistenta - Alb
Costumul sexy de asistenta din colectia Softline este realizat dintr-o dantela fina, cu un model deosebit. Rochia mini asistenta este fermecatoare datorita modelului transparent din dantela, decolteul adanc si spatele rochitei fiind evidentiate de benzile elastice rosii. Setul contine 4 piese: rochita a cu margini rosii, bikini, bentita de asistenta si manusi asortate. Cand purtati acest costum sexy pentru asistente, asigurati-va ca va vindecati partenerul de stresul cotidian. Compozitie: 97% Poliester, 3% Elastan.
The sexy assistance costume from the Softline collection is made from a fine lace, with a special pattern. The mini nursing dress is charming due to the transparent lace pattern, the deep neckline and the back of the dress being highlighted by the red elastic bands. The set contains 4 pieces: a dress with red edges, bikinis, belted bandage and matching gloves.
When wearing this sexy nurse costume, make sure you heal your partner from everyday stress.
Composition: 97% Polyester, 3% Elastane.
- Softline
- Femeie
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