Chiloti cu Vibratii C-String Invisible 10 Speed
Chiloti cu Vibratii C-String sunt accesorii erotice deosebite la moda, secretul despre care stii doar tu stii. Chiloti invizibili cu Vibrator!
Chilotii cu vibrator se potrivesc perfect corpului tau si va vor duce pe culmi senzuale prin stimularea clitorisului. Dispune de 10 vibratii perfect pentru doamnele indraznete care se joaca in afara usii dormitorului. Atractive la vedere, vibratoarele C-snur sunt imbracate in dantela si arata ca niste chiloti inocenti, dar ascund secret plin de erotism in spatele lor. Din cauza imaginii discrete, le puteti lua cu dvs. oriunde doriti. Nu te limita la jucarii erotice mari cand poti purta lucrurile tale preferate in loc de chilotii obisnuiti.
Alegeti acesti chiloti invizibili si ei va vor rasfata silentios cu vibratiile lor la aproape fiecare pas. Foarte practici cand porti o rochie mulata deoarece nu se va vedea pe talie urma de la chiloti!!!
C-String with 10 Speed Vibration
Lovely C-string panties with special accessories are an erotic fashion accessory, the secret of which you will know only knows.
Vibrant panties fit perfectly to your body, and they will lead to sensual climaxes through stimulation of the clitoris. Quietly as a gentle whisperer will sneak into your panties and enthrall with as many as 10 functional vibrations. Perfect for the daring ladies who play outside the door of their bedroom is not alien. Attractive to the view, even more so to touch. These are vibrating C-string panties! With a lace border and a lovely bowl, they seem to look like innocent panties, but they conceal the dark secret of full erotic feelings behind them. Because of the discreet image, you can take them with you wherever you want. Do not limit yourself with big erotic toys, but when you can wear your favorite thing instead of panties.
Choose your invisible panties, which will quietly pamper you with their vibrations at just about every step.
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