Vibrator Smile Gipsy Vibe
Vibrator cu design modern si functii performante, din material moale si placut la atingere. Curbat pentru a alinta si satisface punctul G pana la orgasm. Dispune de sapte ritmuri de vibratii, toate prin simpla atingere a unui buton. Dimensiuni: lungime 23 cm, Ø 3,5 cm- 4,5 cm. Material: silicon. Functioneaza cu 2 baterii AAA ce se pot achizitiona separat.
Smile Gipsy Vibe Powerful purple vibrator with three quiet motors (top, centre and bottom of the shaft). 7 different rhythms of vibration, controllable on the push of a button. The LED display shows you which motor is currently operating. Length 23 cm, Ø 3.5-4.5 cm. Material: silicone/ABS. Free of phthalates according to EU regulation REACH. (Please order batteries separately: 3 x AAA).
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