Prelungitor Penis Nature Skin [ + 4 cm ]
Prelungitor Penis Nature Skin. Prelungitor penis realist cu gland si vene pronuntate pentru stimularea femeii si diminuarea timpului pana ajunge la orgasm.
Sustine rezistenta oricarui barbat datorita potrivirii sale stranse. Extinde penisul cu 4 cm
Face ca penisul sa fie aprox. cu 2 cm mai gros si lungeste cu 4 cm
Pentru erectii groase impresionante!
Prelungitor Penis Nature Skin, clona piele naturala incredibil de realistic ca aspect si textura. Lungime completa 15,5 cm, adancime de insertie 11,5 cm, interior Ø 2,5 cm. TPR.
Realistixxx Extension sleeve, + 4 cm
Realistic sleeve with glans and veins
Supports a man's stamina
Extends the penis by 4 cm
Makes the penis approx. 2 cm thicker
For impressive erections!
Realistic sleeve with bulging glans and pronounced veins. It supports a man's stamina because of its tight fit. It also makes the penis approx. 2 cm thicker and extends it by 4 cm.
Complete length 15.5 cm, insertion depth 11.5 cm, inner Ø 2.5 cm. TPR.
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