Prelungitor Penis Natural Skin, Extension Sleeve, + 7cm
Prelungitor Penis Natural Skin, + 7cm.
- Manson prelungitor pentru penis prelungeste penisul cu 7 cm
- Face penisul cu 2 cm mai gros
- Potrivirea stransa sustine erectia
- Gland si vene pronuntate
- Piele naturala asemanatoare pielii pentru o senzatie realista
- Elastic si flexibil
Pentru un penis extrem de lung si gros cat ai clipi!
Mansonul prelungito de penis Extension Sleeve de la Nature Skin face penisul cu 7 cm mai lung si cu 2 cm mai gros. Mansonul cu vene pronuntate si gland bombat poate fi usor plasat peste penis si apoi poate fi folosit pentru momente de placere profunde si implinitoare.
Este realizat dintr-un material moale, elastic (Nature Skin), care arata ca o piele reala si se simte la fel de moale. Este elastic si flexibil, ceea ce inseamna ca se potriveste in siguranta in jurul penisului si poate sustine eficient erectia datorita potrivirii sale minunate.
Lungime completa 24 cm, adancime de introducere 17 cm, Ø interior 3 cm (foarte flexibil), Ø exterior max. 5 cm. Greutate 254 g. TPE.
- Penis sleeve with a 7 cm long extension
- Makes the penis 2 cm thicker
- The tight fit supports the erection
- Pronounced glans and veins
- Skin-like Nature Skin for a realistic feeling
- Stretchy and flexible
For an extremely long and thick penis in the blink of an eye!
The penis sleeve Extension Sleeve from Nature Skin makes the penis 7 cm longer and 2 cm thicker. The sleeve with pronounced veins and bulging glans can be easily placed over the penis and it can then be used for deep and fulfilling moments of pleasure.
The sleeve is made out of soft, stretchy material (Nature Skin) which looks like real skin and feels just as soft as well. It is stretchy and flexible which means that it can fit securely around the penis and can support the erection effectively thanks to its wonderfully tight fit.
Complete length 24 cm, insertion depth 17 cm, inner Ø 3 cm (very flexible), outer Ø max. 5 cm. Weight 254 g. TPE.
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