Pompa Sani, Bad Kitty, Vibrating Nipple Cups

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Pompa Sani, Bad Kitty, Vibrating Nipple Cups

  • Ventuze pentru mamelon cu pompa manuala si vibratie
  • Cupele raman blocate singure din cauza vidului
  • Cu o parghie pentru a elibera vidul
  • Include baterii


Pompe de mamelon cu vibratie!
Aceste mici ventuze transparente fac minuni! Puteti urmari cum se umfla sfarcurile cand puneti ventuzele peste mameloane si creati un vid cu pompa de mana. Sfarcurile tale vor fi acum erecte si vor arata absolut uimitor. Acum scoateti dispozitivul de pompare: ventuzele vor ramane blocate pe sanii dvs. odata ce a fost creat un vid.
De asemenea, puteți plasa vibro-gloantele in spatiile de pe cupe pentru acea mica stimulare suplimentara. Bucurati-va de senzatiile placute de furnicaturi de care probabil nu veti mai dori sa va lipsiti din nou!
Dimensiune cupa: interior 5 cm inaltime, Ø 5,7 cm. Tubul este de aprox. 46 cm lungime. Pompa de mana are 16 cm lungime si este confortabila si usor de utilizat deoarece are spatiu pentru doua degete.

Material: ABS, silicon, PC, acril.
Include baterii.

  • Nipple suction cups with a hand pump and vibration
  • Cups stay stuck on their own because of the vacuum
  • With a lever to release the vacuum
  • Includes batteries


Nipple suckers with vibration!
These small transparent suction cups work wonders! You can watch your nipples swell up when you put the nipple suckers over your nipples and create a vacuum with the hand pump. You nipples will now be erect and look absolutely amazing. Now remove the pump device: the suction cups will stay stuck on your breasts once a vacuum has been created.
You can also place the vibro-bullets into the spaces on the cups for that little extra stimulation. Enjoy the pleasurable tingling sensations that you probably won´t ever want to do without again!
Cup size: inner 5 cm high, Ø 5.7 cm. The tube is approx. 46 cm long. The hand pump is 16 cm long and is comfortable and easy to use because it has space for two fingers.

Material: ABS, silicone, PC, acrylic.
Includes batteries.

Bad Kitty

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