Pastile Potenta Rock Hard, Tribulus Terrestris, 30 buc

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Stimulent sexual pentru barbati Rock Hard, cu Tribulus Terrestris, pentru erectie si libido. Cutie cu 30 de capsule. Producator Cobeco Pharma, Olanda.

Rock Hard contine valorosul ingredient Tribulus Terrestris care promoveaza intensiv capacitatea sexuala de erectie sanatoasa si naturala a oricarui barbat. Doar ingrediente naturale.


Tribulus Terrestris sustine sanatatea organelor de reproducere si activitatea sexuala;

Saw Palmetto este bun pentru sanatatea prostatei.

Ginseng Siberian stimuleaza erectia, afrodisiac natural si stimul pentru aparatul reproducator.

Muira Puama, supranumit si "arborele virilitatii" creste apetitul si libidoul natural, afrodisiac puternic.

Tabletele unice Rock Hard contin o compozitie echilibrata de ingrediente atent selectate special pentru promovarea sanatatii specifice nevoilor masculine. Tribulus Terrestris sustine, printre altele, aportul de sange, care are un efect pozitiv asupra circulatiei sanguine a organului sexual. Rock Hard contine cele mai renumite ingrediente active care promoveaza dorinta sexuala.

Rock Hard creste libidoul si va face erectia mai tare, mai lunga si mai durabila. Vrei ca potenta sau erectia ta sa nu te paraseasca niciodata? Rock Hard este solutia pe care o cauti. Aceste tablete ajuta foarte bine potenta barbatilor. Vei fi inepuizabil! Incearca acest produs acum si lasa-ti partenera uimita!

Datorita Tribulus Terrestris, Hard Rock imbunatateste activitatea hormonala si actioneaza asupra organelor sexuale.

Rock Hard sustin sanatatea fizica masculina si performanta sexuala datorita ingredientelor naturale, inclusiv Tribulus Terrestris, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng Siberian si Muira Puama. Planta Tribulus Terrestris creste in principal in regiunile calde si tropicale din intreaga lume. Tribulus Terrestris a fost folosit in diverse scopuri in Asia de ani de zile. Tribulus Terrestris sustine nivelurile sanatoase de testosteron si ajuta la reglarea concentratiei acestui hormon. Testosteronul joaca un rol important in nevoile sexuale si poate avea un efect pozitiv asupra cresterii libidoului. Ginseng siberian sustine sistemul imunitar si contribuie la mai multa energie si rezistenta. Muira Puama a fost folosita ca stimulent sexual in mai multe tari din intreaga lume de ani de zile.

In studii, s-a demonstrat ca utilizarea Muira Puama creste frecventa dorintelor sexuale, actul sexual si fanteziile sexuale. S-a demonstrat, de asemenea, imbunatatirea satisfatiei pentru viata sexuala, intensitatea dorintei sexuale, excitarea fanteziei, capacitatea de a ajunge la orgasm si intensificarea orgasmului. Saw Palmetto este o planta despre care se stie ca are un efect pozitiv asupra functionarii prostatei. Calciul este important pentru mentinerea functiei normale a muschilor si a nervilor.

Ingrediente (pentru 2 capsule): 400 mg Ginseng siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus), 210 mg calciu (carbonat de calciu), 200 ml L-Arginina, agent de volum: E466, Muira Puama 150 mg (Ptychopetalum olacoides), 100 mg Saw Palmetto (Seren Palmetto) Repens), 100 mg Tribulus Terrestris, agent de incarcare: E466.

Mod de utilizare: Luati doua comprimate o data pe zi cu suficienta apa. Nu luati mai mult de 2 comprimate la fiecare 24 de ore. Nu depasiti doza zilnica recomandata.


Rock Hard reinforces the physical health of men and increases sexual strength, thanks to ingredients such as Tribulus Terrestris. These balanced tablets support the sexual organs and hormonal activity. Rock Hard gives a boost to your sexual potency that improves your sexual performance.

  • To increase your sexual potency
  • Tribulus Terrestris strengthens the sexual organs and hormonal activity *
  • Calcium helps normalize energy metabolism
  • Calcium normalizes the functioning of the muscular system

Additional Information

It is a preparation based on herbs, minerals and amino acids. A food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry place at room temperature.


30 capsules

How does it work

The tablets support the physical health and sexual performance of men thanks to natural ingredients such as Tribulus Terrestris, Saw Palmetto, Siberian Ginseng and Muira Puama. The Tribulus Terrestris plant grows primarily in warm, tropical regions around the world. Tribulus Terrestris has been used for years in Asia and Bulgaria for various aspects. Tribulus Terrestris supports healthy testosterone levels and helps regulate the concentration of this hormone. Testosterone plays an important role in sex drive and can increase libido. Siberian ginseng strengthens the immune system and contributes to generating more energy and resistance. Muira Puama has been used for years in various countries around the world as a sexual stimulant. In various studies, the use of Muira Puama has been shown to increase the frequency of sexual desire, relationships and fantasies. More satisfaction with sexual life, the intensity of desire, fantasies, the ability to reach orgasm and its intensity have also been shown. Saw palmetto is an herb that has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate. Calcium is important for the maintenance of normal muscle and nerve function.


Ingredients per 2 tablets: 400 mg Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), 300 mg Tribulus terrestris, bulking agent: E460, 200 mg L-Arginine**, 150 mg Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides), 136 mg Calcium (calcium carbonate) (17% IR*), anti-caking agent: E570, 100 mg Serenoa repens, bulking agent: E466, coating agents: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, coating agent: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, anti-caking agents: E551, E470b. *RI = Reference Intakes. **IR not established.


Take 2 tablets once a day with plenty of water. Do not take more than 2 tablets in 24 hours. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosis.

* This product contains a label with instructions provided in the following languages: /en/de/fr/es/pt/nl/


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