Lubrifiant Vegan Bioglide Cirese 80ml
Lubrifiant Bioglide cu gust si miros de cirese 100% natural + Vegan. Toate ingredientele sunt naturale prin biotehnologie fara nici un fel de conservanti astfel incat sa mentina perfect lubrifierea si pH-ul natural al vaginului. Multumita aromei si gustului de cirese este perfect inclusiv pentru sex oral. Bioglide raspunde celor mai inalte standarde de calitate si este perfect compatibil cu epiderma. Bioglide este solubil in apa si fara grasimi sau uleiuri si 100% compatibil cu prezervativul. 80 ml
BIOglide Strawberry 80ml. The World's First 100% Natural Lubricant! All ingredients are produced upon a natural or biotechnological base, free of any preservatives to support a full pH balanced natural vaginal lubrication. Thanks to the fruity cherry flavour, it's a perfect oral sex companion too. BIOglide responds to the highest quality specifications and features complete skin compatibility. BIOglide is water soluble and free of grease or oils and 100% safe with condoms.
Original BIOglide cherry – THE natural lubricant
BIOglide cherry - With a seductive-sweet cherry note, your taste buds will be stimulated thanks to its food-grade cherry aroma. The variant with natural cherry scent and taste, combines long gliding properties with certified natural components.
The highest standards apply to love as well as to organic products. 100% natural and vegan BIOglide has been specially developed to gently support vaginal moisture.
The silky moisturizing, colourless and oil-free BIOglide lets your love life bloom.
With BIOglide you will experience a carefree sexuality in a pleasant way. The "Natural Product-Standard approved by BDiH" ensures that BIOglide meets the high requirements of the organic market.
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