Lant de corp decorativ negru perlat

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Colier elastic perlat
Gatul si talia sunt conectate
In spate cu un mic carabiner
Lantul foarte special!
Colier de perle elastic, cu trei randuri, pentru gâa - conectat la lantul de bikini printr-un alt lant, care poate fi închis in spate cu un mic carabiner.
In partea din fata a burtii este o mica franjura pufoasa.

Marime universala.


Body Chain.
Stretchy pearl chain
Neck and waist chain are joined together
With a small snap hook at the back
The very special chain!
Three rows of stretchy pearls that go around the neck – they are attached to the bikini chain by a further chain that can be fastened with a small snap hook at the back. There is a small tassel over the stomach.

Cottelli Collection
Colectie Imbracaminte Femei:
  • Cottelli Collection Accessoires
  • Femeie

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