Jammy Crystal Jelly anal plug face parte din colectia de succes
Jammy Jelly. Acest produs este proiectat pentru o penetrare anala confortabila si sigura. Toate produsele Jammy Jelly sunt fara ftalati si realizate din materiale de inalta calitate. Acest plug este confortabil la atingere, si dintr-un material jelly transparent. Proiectat cu varf rotunjit si ce permite sa alunece foarte adanc. Dimensiuni 11,5 x 2,5 cm.
Jammy Crystal Jelly anal plug anal version of the already famous Jelly dildos line produced and distributed by Toyz4Lovers. This product is designed for a comfortable and safe anal penetration. All Jammy Jelly products are phthalate-free and made from high quality materials. This plugin looks transparent and is comfortable to the touch, thanks to the use of transparent jelly. It was designed with a rounded tip and a stem that expands gently toward the base that allows the plug to slide too deep.