Centura Castitate, Cock Cage Electrosoc, Tester
Centura Castitate, Cock Cage Electrosoc, Tester.
Aceasta cusca pentru penis este alegerea perfecta pentru a incuia un penis obraznic si pentru a oferi o experienta palpitanta. Fabricat din material de inalta calitate si hipoalergenic. Ascunde cheia pentru dominatie completa! Controleaza sau fii controlat. Fara ftalati si rezistent la apa. Are goluri care permit fluxul de aer si urinarea fara indepartare. Aceasta cusca se adapteaza penisului tau prin inelele incluse, alege-l pe cel care ti se potriveste mai bine si garanteaza cea mai buna erectie odata ce l-ai scos. Incuietorile din plastic sunt sigure pentru a fi purtate in aeroporturi si in zonele de securitate restrictionate. Conectati telecomanda la orificiile de pe atasamentul detasabil din silicon si alegeti stimularea care vi se potriveste cel mai mult. Nu utilizati functia electrica langa apa.
Telecomanda funcționează cu 2 baterii AAA.
MATERIAL: Polycarbonate.
This cage is the perfect choice to lock up a naughty penis and provide an thrilling experience. Made in high quality material and hypoallergenic. Hide the key for complete domination! Control or be controlled. Phtalate free and waterproof. Has gaps that allow air flow and urinating without removal. This cage adjusts to your penis through the included rings, choose the one that suits you better and guarantee the best erection once you take it off. The plastic locks make safe to wear on airports and restricted security grounds. Connect the remote to the holes on the removable silicone attachment and pick the stimulation that suits you most. Do not use the electric function near water.
The remote works with 2 x AAA batteries.
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