Catuse Metal Official Handcuffs
Catuse Metal Official Handcuffs. Folosirea catuselor a fost intotdeauna un excitant sexual, iar cu aceste catuse metalice pentru incepatori, fantezia devine realitate! Aceste catuse metalice sunt suficient de puternice pentru orice nivel de utilizator. Mecanismul de blocare are un buton de eliberare rapida in cazul in care pierdeti cheia, iar designul sau robust asigura utilizarea pe termen lung.
The use of restraint has always been a sexual stimulant, and with these Beginner's Metal Cuffs, fantasy becomes reality! These metal cuffs are perfect for beginners and strong enough for any level of user. The locking mechanism has a quick-release button in case you lose the key, and their sturdy design ensures they're made to play hard.
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