Sort Bucatarie, Master Chef, "Surpriza Penis 3D"
Sort barbatesc de bucatarie Master Chef, "Surpriza Penis 3D", ridici sortul si penisul erect din plus (care elegat cu sfoara) se ridica in sus automat si toata lumea se va holba la el... Cine vrea poate sa si puna mana sa pipaie... Bucatarul sexy face o magie... Hocus Pocus ridica sortul si ce sa vezi? apare un penis de toata frumusetea... + 18 Ani.
This erotic sight will whet people´s appetite!
A man´s apron that has the text "BIG BOSS" on it. The apron has a funny extra: an erect plush penis appears when the white material at the front gets lifted up. The plush penis is attached to the material by a string.
The apron can be tied at the back and at the back of the neck. 100% polyester..
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