Prelungitor Penis Realistic Ultra

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Solutia rapida pentru un penis mai lung si mai gros cu rezultate garantate este prelungitor de penis realistic ultra. Lungime totala 17, inserabil 12cm, grosime 1cm, ingroasa penisul cu 2cm, lungeste penisul cu 5cm. Inelul pentru testicole 1,8cm foarte flexibil. Gol 3,5cm flexibil, diametru exterior 5,5cm. Material TPE. 

Longer & Thicker!
More volume and more length – what women want for their hair, men want for their penis. However, luckily for men, this penis sleeve means that their wish can come true a lot quicker than for women. This skin-coloured penis sleeve with testicle ring both lengthens and thickens your penis. So pleasure your partner with your now 5 cm longer and 2 cm thicker penis. The very large pink glans and the pronounced veins will give your partner extra stimulation. What more could a man want?!

Complete length 17 cm, insertion depth 12 cm, thickness 10 mm, Ø of penis/glans max. 5.3 cm, Ø of sleeve 2.5 cm (very flexible), Ø of testicle ring 1.8 cm (very flexible). Material: TPE, phthalate-free.


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