Dop anal din aluminiu, Heart Gem
Heart Gem este un dop anal din aluminiu si ABS de calitate, cu o suprafata neteda si un capat de bijuterie in forma de inima, capabil sa imbrace partea B cu eleganta si senzualitate stralucitoare. Acest splendid instrument de placere anala este conceput pentru o utilizare comoda si confortabila, chiar si pe termen lung. Forma de lacrima asigura inserarea usoara, iar dimensiunea redusa a jucariei il face usor de transportat: are o lungime de 7,1 cm si un diametru de 2,8 cm.
Enjoy this wonderful metal anal plug. It features an easy entry conical tip, and a heart-shaped gemstone base.
With jewel at the base
Material: Aluminum Alloy + ABS
Measurements: 7.1 cm x 2.8 cm
The Heart Gem is a quality aluminum and ABS anal plug with a smooth surface and a heart-shaped jewel end, capable of dressing the b-side with sparkling elegance and sensuality. This splendid anal pleasure tool is designed for convenient and comfortable use, even in the long run. The teardrop shape ensures easy insertion and the small size of the toy makes it easy to carry: it is 7.1 cm long and has a diameter of 2.8 cm.
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