Catuse subtiri Bijoux Indiscrets, Maze Thincuffs Black
Catuse subtiri Bijoux Indiscrets, Maze Thincuffs Black. Catuse subtiri, din material poliuretan negru, comode si rezistente.
Catuse subtiri, din material poliuretan negru, comode si rezistente.
Oferiti-va momente de neuitat in doi.
Impodobeste-ti incheieturile cu aceste bratari duble. Se potrivesc perfect cu cele mai bune tinute ale tale si pot fi transformate in catusele tale preferate pentru distractia de bondage in privat. Pierde-te pe cararile labirintului si descoperi un loc in care ambele tale lumi se intalnesc; lasa lumea pe care o arati si lumea pe care o ascunzi sa se uneasca ca una.
Indraznești sa intri:
- 100% vegan, 0% materiale de origine animală.
- Catușe 100% reglabile.
- Utilizare dubla! Asezati bratarile pe aceeasi incheietura pentru a le purta ca accesoriu de moda. Scoateti un capat si atasati-l de cealalta incheietura pentru a le transforma in catuse.
- Faceti un pas mai sus! Asociati-le cu hamuri, coliere sau mansete pentru a va ne-limita si mai mult miscarea si pentru a va creste placerea.
- Inspirat de BDSM-ul clasic: toata senzualitatea si puterea bondage-ului intr-un singur accesoriu.
- Se potriveste perfect cu orice look, lenjerie sau piele goala.
- 100% vegan: curele din poliuretan realizate din materiale reciclate
- Adauga o nota indrazneata oricarei tinute sau set de lenjerie.
- Accesorii erotice de moda: un amestec intre tendintele actuale ale modei si erotismul traditional.
- Vrei sa te joci? Accesoriul perfect pentru toate jocurile tale de bondage.
- Festivalul de vara. Uite! Tendintele incep pe pistele alternative. Stabiliti tendinta cu Maze!
- Proiectat exclusiv de Bijoux Indiscrets
Cedati dorintelor dvs. cu un mod sigur si distractiv de a va intensifica viata sexuala si de a va intari increderea. Alege tinuta si lenjeria cu care vrei sa-l surprinzi. Asezati bratarile pe aceeasi incheietura si utilizati cataramele pentru a le regla si purtati-le ca accesoriu de moda. Arata-le partenerului tau pentru ca jocul sa dureze toata noaptea. Ascunde-ti secretul de toti ceilalti. Este cu atat mai interesant! Cand sunteti gata, scoateti o bratara si atasati-o la cealalta incheietura. De asemenea, le puteți scoate complet si le puteti pune pe partenerul dvs. Bucurati-va de aceste catuse fantastice! Experimentati cu ambele utilizări o singură data. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa transformi batarile in catuse atunci cand vrei sa inceapa distractia prin bondage.
Amintiti-va: ele ofera o strangere puternica, asa ca voi decideti intensitatea jocului!
Adorn your wrists with these double bracelets. They go perfectly with your best outfits and can be transformed into your favourite handcuffs for bondage fun in private. Lose yourself along the paths of the Maze and discover a place where both of your worlds meet; let the world you show and the world you hide come together as one.
Do you dare to enter?
- 100% vegan, 0% materials from animal origin.
- Handcuffs 100% adjustable.
- Double use! Place the bracelets on the same wrist to wear them as a fashion accessory. Remove one end and attach it to your other wrist to turn them into handcuffs.
- Step it up a notch! Pair them with harnesses, necklaces or ankle cuffs to further restrict your movement and increase your pleasure.
- Inspired by classic BDSM: all the sensuality and power of bondage in a single accessory.
- Goes perfectly with any look, lingerie or bare skin.
- 100% vegan: polyurethane straps made from recycled materials
- Adds a bold touch to any outfit or lingerie set.
- Fashion Erotic Accessories: A blend between current fashion trends and traditional eroticism.
- Wanna play? The perfect accessory for all your bondage games.
- Summer Festival Look! Trends start out on alternative runways. Set the trend with Maze!
- Exclusively designed by Bijoux Indiscrets
Succumb to your desires with a safe and fun way to intensify your sex life and strengthen your trust. Choose the outfit and lingerie you want to surprise him with. Place the bracelets on the same wrist and use the buckles to adjust them and wear them as a fashion accessory. Show them to your partner to make the game last all night. Hide your secret from everyone else. It's all the more exciting! When you're ready, remove one bracelet and attach it to your other wrist. You can also take them off completely and put them on your partner instead. Enjoy these fantastic handcuffs! Experiment with both uses on one date. All you have to do is turn the bracelets into handcuffs when you want the bondage fun to begin.
Remember: they provide a strong hold, so you decide the intensity of the game!
Double use handcuffs and bracelets. Place both cuffs on the same hand to wear them as a bracelet, or place one cuff around each wrist to use them as handcuffs.
100% adjustable
100% vegan
Material: polyurethane
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