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Bodystocking Scandal Lace Body Suit, S-L. Scufundați-vă în sex prin bondage și emoționați-vă iubitul cu Scandal® Lace Body. Alunecă-te în costumul fetiș sexual elastic și confortabil și înfățișează-te cu decolteul în V adânc, care prezintă elementele tale preferate. Predați-vă iubiților voștri fiecare capriciu în timpul scenei de sclavie sexuală și îmbrățișați plăcerea dezinhibată cu designul răutăcios fără picioare. Costumul luxos de plăcere pentru bondage sexy pe tot corpul este pe cât de confortabil, pe atât de sexy, cu un design din dantelă ultra-elastic, care îți va evidenția toate curbele exact. Renunță la dorințele primare și la plăcerea scandaloasă cu acest ansamblu sexy pentru tot corpul.
Pentru distracție, sau chiar pentru un pic de fetiș sexual ciudat, apucați costumul de dantelă pentru sex și bondage, este timpul să faceți un Scandal®!
Marime unica S-L. Material 100% Polyester.
Dive into bondage sex and thrill your lover with the Scandal® Lace Body. Slide into the stretchy, comfortable sexual fetish suit and get frisky with the deep plunging V-neck showcasing your favorite assets. Surrender yourself to your lovers every whim during your sex bondage scene and embrace uninhibited pleasure with the wickedly crotch-less design. The luxurious full-body sexy bondage pleasure suit is as comfortable as it is sexy with an ultra-stretchy lace design that will highlight all your curves just right. Give into primal desires and Scandal®ous pleasure with this sexy full-body ensemble.
For fun, or even a little weird sexual fetish, grab the sex and bondage lace body suit, it's time to make a Scandal®!®!
Slip into this sexy and thrill your lover with the Scandal Lace Body Suit. Slide into the stretchy, comfortable suit and get frisky with the deep plunging V-neck showcasing your favorite assets. Surrender yourself to a your lovers every whim and embrace uninhibited pleasure with the wickedly crotch-less design. The luxurious full-body pleasure suit is as comfortable as it is sexy with an ultra-stretchy lace design that will highlight all your curves just right. Give into primal desires and scandalous pleasure with this sexy full-body ensemble. Since 1994, CalExotics has been the world’s leading pleasure products manufacturer and is dedicated to being a consumer-friendly brand for men and women. We understand that to truly encourage sexual wellness, the intimate toy industry needs to create products that enhance pleasure in your everyday life and cultivate a happier and more satisfied you. CalExotics has taken the very limited intimate toy options from the past and created a world of pleasure products for men, women and couples. By revolutionizing the way we see intimate products, CalExotics has been able to help everyone find confidence in their sexuality and promote sexual self-awareness. At CalExotics, we want you to expect more. Expect more passion, expect more romance and always expect more fun.
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