Body Bondage Femei, Harness No.2
Body Bondage Femei, Harness No.1. Virgite, fabrica imbracaminte erotica, este un brand inregistrat conceput in Spania ce realizeaza acest body harness cu materiale de inalta calitate. Marime universala, S-L
Body din curele pentru femei, complet reglabil, din piele vegana ECO.
Are o serie de curele si catarame reglabile care se intalnesc in centrul taliei cu un inel mare in forma de O.
Bretele complet reglabile in zona soldurilor si gatului si catarame complet reglabile pentru o potrivire optima la dimensiunea corecta.
Design acoperit cu nituri si materiale de inalta calitate.
Virgite, erotic things, is a registered brand designed in Spain made with high quality materials. It is made up of different product lines that will be expanded for all types of audiences.
Fully adjustable women's body harness made of vegan leather.
It has a series of adjustable straps and buckles that meet in the center of the waist with a large O-shaped ring.
Fully adjustable straps in the hip and neck area and fully adjustable buckles for optimal fit of the correct size.
Design covered with studs and high quality materials.
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- Femeie
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