Aparat Masaj Erotic Pretty Love Power Wand Massager
Aparat Masaj Erotic Pretty Love Power Wand Massager dimensiuni 25cm x 4,5cm. Functioneaza cu 4 baterii AAA, are multi vibratii reglabile prin rotita cu variator de putere iar capul este flexibil si acoperit cu o textura de catifea perfecta pentru stimularea zonelor erotice, a gatului si a spatelui.
Add something new and exquisite to your sex toys collection with this rumble vibrating massage wand. This sleek and sophisticated massaging wand is well equipped to provide endless pleasure and relaxing massage play. The head is silicone coated for a velvety texture whilst the neck is slim and flexible for the perfect kneading motion for erotic stimulation.
This is a battery powered toy that has a powerful multi-speed vibrating functions and a roller whell control that increase and decrease the vibrating speed during use.
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