Spermatozoizi Comestibili, Jelly Super Sperms
Spermatozoizi Comestibili, Jelly Super Sperms. Cadou funny cu efecte comice pentru ambii parteneri. Aroma pina colada.
"Pina Colada" este un cocktail dulce, bazat pe rom, continand rom alb, crema de nuca de cocos si suc de ananas. Bautura este servita de obicei cu gheata.
Cutie Jelly Super Sperms, 120 grame.
Creamy pina colada flavour Jelly Sperms packed in a hang sell carton. The high quality jellies are manufactured for us in Holland and Germany, using all natural ingredients. As well as their outstanding taste, one of the other hallmarks of the line is the exceptional moulding detail. The jellies are great fun and make terrific gifts for sharing.
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