Lubrifiant, Erotica, Black Hole Anal Relax, extra dilatare, calmant, relaxant, 70 ml
Lubrifiant anal Black Hole Anal Relax, fara indoiala cea mai buna varianta, dilatatorul si relaxantul este special conceput pentru practicarea sexului anal, fiind lubrifiantul dilatator prin excelenta. Este un lubrifiant anal de foarte buna calitate recomandat atat tuturor celor care doresc sa se apuce in practica sexului anal cat si utilizatorilor cu experienta. Multe cupluri sunt curioase, dar multe nu indraznesc sa o incerce... Ideea ca poate provoca dureri determina femeia sa renunte indiferent de insistentele barbatului, dar folosind Black Hole Anal Relax sexul anal devine acceptabil si chiar placut.
Black Hole Anal Relax a fost dezvoltat special pentru placerea anala. Datorita efectului usor amortitor, sfincterul se relaxeaza eficient si asigura astfel patrunderea nedureroasa fara pierderea senzatiei. Doar masati usor in zona intima dedicata, lasati-l sa actioneze pentru o perioada scurta de timp si incepeti relatia dvs. de dragoste anala relaxata.
Compozitia speciala fara grasimi a lubrifiantului solubil in apa si prin urmare se poate spala usor cu apa, nu are coloranti si nu lasa urme, chiar si in momentele de pasiune. Cu o consistenta neteda si matasoasa care face pielea sa se simta confortabila si cu o acoperire optima, Black Hole Anal Relax este ideal pentru a face dragoste satisfacatoare si fara griji. Calitate premium. Fabricat in Europa!
- putere mare de relaxare si dilatare
- lubrifiant pe baza de apa
- special pentru dilatatii puternice (de ex. fisting)
- compatibil cu prezervativele
- Incolor, inodor si fara gust
- nu este gras
Flacon 70 ml
Black Hole Anal Relax. Produs pe baza experientei, stim cat de important este sa incerci lucruri noi si sa-ti extinzi orizonturile sexuale. Subiectul tabu atemporal al sexului anal este acum acceptabil social si practicat ca normal de milioane de oameni. Acest lubrifiant usor amortitor a fost dezvoltat pentru a va face mai usor sa faceti sex anal.
Black Hole, undoubtedly the best option, dilator and relaxer is specially designed for the practice of anal sex, being the dilator lubricant par excellence. It is a very high quality anal lubricant recommended both for all those who want to start in the practice of anal sex and for experienced users. Many couples are curious, but many do not dare to try it ... The idea that it can cause pain makes them put aside many times it is practical, being one of the most pleasant.
Black Hole Anal Relax was specially developed for anal pleasure. Due to the slightly numbing effect, the sphincter relaxes effectively and thus ensures painless penetration without loss of sensation. Just gently massage into the anus, let it act for a short time, and start your relaxed anal love affair.
The special grease-free composition of the lubricant soluble in water and therefore can be easily washed with water, has no colorants and does not leave traces, even in passionate moments. With a silky smooth consistency that makes the skin feel comfortable and with optimal coverage, the Black Hole Anal realax is ideal for satisfying lovemaking and carefree. Quality made in Europe!
- High relaxing and dilating power
- Water based lubricant
- Special for strong dilations (eg fisting)
- Compatible with condoms
- Colorless, odorless and tasteless
- Not greasy
- Format: 70 ml
We manufacture based on experience and how important it is to try new things and expand your sexual horizons. The timeless taboo subject of anal sex is now socially acceptable and practiced as normal by millions of people. This slightly numbing lubricant was developed to make it easier for you to get started with anal intercourse.