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Lovense - Domi 2 Wand Massager Videochat este cel mai nou vibrator pentru videochat pentru Chatturbate si pe platformele internationale de videochat! La fel ca si Lush Lovense este sound sensitive si reactioneaza la tipsurile care le ofera barbatii (tokens). Avantajul Lovense - Domi 2 Wand Massager este ca nu mai trebuie introdus neaparat in interiorul vaginului, stimularea exterioara fiind probabil cea mai puternica din toate aparatele de masaj inventate de pana acum. Lovense - Domi 2 Wand Massager este un aparat de masaj care poate fi actionat de la distanta, are tipuri de vibratii infinite, reactioneaza la muzica si zgomot, se sincronizeaza la muzica ta preferata, este programabil 100%, are lumini optice ce pot fi activate optional. Lovense - Domi 2 Wand Massager are 3 tipuri de vibratii si 10 viteze. Lungime 23,4cm.


Huge improvement in performance – almost 3 times longer battery life!
While still significantly smaller than other wands, Domi 2 now has an improved design that ensures a more comfortable and secure grip and more hassle-free user experience.

Our unique, dual-rotating head technology enables Domi 2 to maintain a consistently high level of power without the use of cords or the need to increase size. It also boasts an updated antenna and a next generation Bluetooth chip that significantly improves the connectivity.

Customize Your Vibrations - Our software makes it easy to program the vibration levels and ensure you get the right vibrations levels regardless if this is your first vibrator or if you are looking for a strong one!?

Long Distance Control - Our app enables a partner to take control from any distance.

Compatible With:

Any   Lovense logo.    Toy    Any Lovense toy connects to your device via Bluetooth connection.    Any Lovense toy connects directly to PC using a Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter.

Any Lovense toy connects directly to PC using a Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter

Domi 2 is a fully programmable wand which can be customized to a wide range of vibration levels. Our app allows you to choose a power level which matches your individual needs.

Program : 3 Steady Levels Up to 10 Patterns

Unlimited Patterns - Create, download and share vibration patterns.

Fully Adjustable. Take complete control over Domi 2's power range.

You'll be able to find your vibration "sweet spot" (from featherlight to earthquake) and program it to your buttons!

Ensures you're able to apply pressure however and whenever you want. Optional light ring for long-distance users.

Sound Activated - Our app will use your smartphone's microphone and vibrate based on the sounds around you.

- Super powerful 'mini' wand
- Fully programmable
- Largest range of vibration
- Optional lights for visual feedback
- Reinforced neck

Domi 2 is compact yet powerful! Its dual rotating head technology achieves strong and rumbly vibrations. This paired with a reinforced neck allowing flexibility at the head, makes for an irresistible combination. It is also wireless, allowing you movement when and wherever you use it.

Domi is part of our programmables line, allowing you to preset 3 steady vibration levels and up to 10 patterns.


Domi 2 is a wand vibrator with a longer battery life and efficient Bluetooth 5.0 chip and an upgraded antenna.

Close Range Control - Tap and slide control interface is perfect for solo play or foreplay with a partner!

Customize Your Vibrations - Our software makes it easy to program the vibration levels and ensure you get the right vibrations levels regardless if this is your first vibrator or if you are looking for a strong one!?

Long Distance Control - Our app enables a partner to take control from any distance.

Unlimited Patterns - Create, download and share vibration patterns.

Music Based Vibrations - Sync to your favorite music.

Sound Activated - Our app will use your smartphone's microphone and vibrate based on the sounds around you.

- Super powerful wand
- Fully programmable
- Efficient Bluetooth 5 chip
- Variety of colors for visual feedback
- Reinforced neck

A premium wall for ultimate pleasure without compromise; Lovense's Domi 2 wand is made of a strong metal body and 100% soft silicone for incredible sensations; Dual-swivel head technology provides power for your fastest numb climax.
App holder for creative ways to enjoy a discreet moment at home; you can save up to 10 pleasant patterns and access more than 5000 shared patterns on the LOVENSE application platform; Synchronize the Domi 2 with your favorite music for unique vibes.
Long distance Bluetooth that provides total control to your partner or friend; let them control the Domi wand and vibration levels from across the room, or with the app, from across the country; What will you let yourself do?
Small footprint, high power and a quiet silencer that is discreet for use at home or outdoors; And when you're on the go, sync the Domi and LOVENSE app with sound-activated vibrations to enjoy the stimulation that takes you to climax in a whole new way.
Loved by CAM girls and models on Chaturbate, Live Jasmin, MyFreeCams, BongaCams and more; LOVENSE products are preferred for easy division with custom settings and interactive private programs; get more tips and let your loyal fans take control.

LOvense Domi 2 are bateria de 3 ori mai puternica decat Domi 1, tine de 3 ori mai mult. Capul e mai flexibil, semnatul mai puternic, nu se pierde asa usor, e foarte stabil. Recomand.
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