Esarfa Bondage, My Versatile Tie, Lovetoy, satin

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Materialul luxos cu senzatie de satin leaga incheieturile, limitandu-ti miscarea.
Ajustandu-se pentru a se potrivi cele mai delicate maini, aceasta esarfa bondage din satin asigura o supunere absoluta in confort.
Mai moale decat catusele metalice, dar la fel de eficienta, aceasta esarfa matasoasa este ideala pentru incepatori in dormitor.
Ifasurand ambele incheieturi si legandu-se intr-o funda frumoasa, esarfa moale te inrobeste in confort si stil.
Versatilitatea este oferită de stilul clasic de esarfa, permitand gleznelor sa fie legate, precum si incheieturile mainilor.
Lungimea generoasa a esarfei permite o varietate de posibile imobilizari pentru iubitorii jocurilor de dragoste cu imaginatie.

Caracteristici cheie:
Lungime de 126 cm, latime 7 cm, pentru imobilizare intr-un joc de bondage luxos.
O alternativa mai moale si mai confortabila la catusele metalice.

Unisex, pentru ca el si ea sa se bucure in acelasi timp.
Perfect pentru incepatori
Material: poliester
Struggle Versatile este o panglica din satin din poliester cu lungimea de 126 cm potrivita pentru incepatorii de bondage.
Este mai moale decat catusele metalice, dar la fel de eficienta si este potrivita pentru acoperirea ochilor, a incheieturilor mainilor si a gleznelor si pentru limitarea miscarilor.


Luxurious satin-feel material binds the wrists, restricting your movement under the guise of a voluminous satin bow. Adjusting to fit the most delicate hands, this bondage scarf ensures absolute submission in comfort.
Softer than metal handcuffs but every bit as effective, this silky scarf restraint is ideal for beginners to bedroom bondage. Wrapping around both wrists and tying into a beautiful bow, the soft scarf enslaves you in comfort and style.
Versatility is offered by the classic scarf style, allowing ankles to be bound as well as the wrists. The generous length of the scarf permits a variety of possible restraints for the imaginative lovers

Key Features
  1. 126 cm long , Soft restraints for luxurious bondage play
  2. A softer, more comfortable alternative to metal handcuffs
  3. Enhance your play when you pair with a blindfold and feather tickler
  4. Unisex, for him and her to enjoy
  5. Perfect for beginners
  6. Material: Polyester

Struggle Versatile is a polyester satin ribbon 126.5 cm long and suitable for beginners of bondage. It is softer than metal handcuffs but equally effective and is suitable for wrapping both wrists and ankles and limiting movement. The generous length of the scarf allows a variety of possible restrictions for fanciful lovers. It is unisex: suitable for use by both men and women.

Colectie Imbracaminte Femei:
  • Lovetoy
  • Barbat
  • Femeie
  • Unisex

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