Costum Pisica, Obsessive, Catriny
Costum Pisica, Obsessive, Catriny, chiloti, sutien, ornamente sfarcuri, choker, urechi, multicolor, S-M
Costum Pisica, Obsessive, Catriny, chiloti, sutien, ornamente sfarcuri, choker, urechi, S-M.
Oh, trebuie sa ai chef de niste jocuri obraznice acum ca ai gasit acest costum de pisicuta super jucaus! Sutienul deschis si chilotii sunt o recomandare foarte picante pentru iubitorii de joaca amoroasa, iar accesoriile tentante sub forma de ornamente pentru sfarc, un choker si urechi dragute vor face sa insufleteasca atmosfera din dormitor! Innebuneste si adauga Catriny la colectia ta de lenjerie sexy astazi!
Afla mai multe detalii:
- Costum Catriny : sutien deschis, chiloti deschisi, urechi, choker si ornamente pentru sfarcuri
- bretele reglabile pentru sutien si inchidere reglabila pentru o potrivire perfecta
- bretele subtiri subliniind forma figurii – aspect sexy garantat
- imprimeu leopard jucaus – ispiteste si intriga
- choker senzual cu pandantiv auriu – atrage atentia
- ornamente pentru mameloane cu amprenta labe de pisica pentru aspect condimentat
- materiale flexibile si placute la atingere (sutien, chiloti, choker: 72% poliamida, 28% elastan, urechi: 100% poliester, husa mamelon: 85% PU, 10% poliester, 5% lipici
Oh, you really must be in the mood for some naughty games now that you've found this super playful kitty costume! The open bra and panties are a very spicy recommendation for lovers of love play, and the tempting accessories in the form of nipple covers, a choker and cute ears will only turn up the atmosphere in the bedroom! Go crazy and add Catriny to your sexy lingerie collection today!
Find out more details:
- Catriny costume: open bra, open panties, ears, choker and nipple covers
- adjustable bra straps and convenient clasp – a perfect fit
- thin straps emphasizing the shape of the figure – sexy look guaranteed
- playful leopard print – tempts and intrigues
- sensual choker with a gold pendant – attracts attention
- nipple covers with a cat paw print to add spice
- nice-to-the-touch and flexible materials (bra, panties, choker: 72% polyamide, 28% elastane, ears: 100% polyester, nipple covers: 85% PU, 10% polyester, 5% glue)
Obsessive means inspiration for women. Elegance,sensuality, embroidery love ... Best fabrics and best embroideries to create unique pieces of lingerie. Years working to join the best quality - prize relation.
World leaders in lingerie! Nobody makes better!
- Obsessive
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