Bondage Set Violet Masca si Sfoara 10 metri
Bondage Set Turqoise Masca si Sfoara albastru turqoise 10 metri. Kitul BDSM Sex Extra cu masca si franghie de la Excellent Power este ideal pentru cei care doresc sa exploreze lumea sclaviei si dominatiei sau supunere intr-un mod sigur si stimulant. Acest kit ofera tot ce aveti nevoie pentru a experimenta jocul erotic si fanteziile sexuale convingatoare. In acest kit veti gasi si include: 1 sfoara bondage de inalta calitate, moale si puternica, de 10 metri lungime, perfecta pentru a va lega partenerul in diferite pozitii, garantand confort si siguranta in timpul jocurilor erotice; o masca de ochi pentru a creste emotia si misterul in timpul sesiunilor de bondage, stimuland simturile si imaginatia. Setul este potrivit atat pentru cei care sunt incepatori in BDSM, cat si pentru utilizatorii mai experimentati care doresc sa-si extinda colectia de accesorii erotice.
Material sfoara bumbac, culoare violet.
The BDSM Sex Extra Kit with Mask and Rope from Excellent Power is ideal for those who wish to explore the world of bondage and domination or submission in a safe and stimulating way. This kit offers everything you need to experience erotic play and compelling sexual fantasies. In this kit you will find and include:1 high quality, soft and strong 10-metre long rope, perfect for tying your partner in various positions, guaranteeing comfort and safety during erotic games; a covering mask to increase excitement and mystery during bondage sessions, stimulating the senses and the imagination. The kit is suitable both for those who are new to BDSM and for more experienced users who wish to expand their collection of erotic accessories.
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