BodyStocking Chilirose Galben Neon
Bodystocking erotic galben neon din colectia Chilirose realizat dintr-un material elastic de plasa fara cusaturi ce se aseaza perfect pe corp este decorat cu cercuri de diferite dimensiuni. Un produs Chilirose de inalta calitate prezentat intr-o cutie eleganta lucioasa. Marime universala S-L. MATERIAL: 80% Nylon, 20% Spandex.
Neon yellow erotic bodystocking from the Chilirose collection made from a seamless mesh elastic material that fits perfectly on the body is decorated with circles of different sizes. A high quality Chilirose product presented in an elegant glossy box. One size S-L. MATERIAL: 80% Nylon, 20% Spandex.
- Chilirose
- Femeie
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