Bila Vaginala pentru Exercitii Kegel si tonifierea planseului pelvin cu telecomanda wireless.
Bila Vaginala pentru Exercitii Kegel si tonifierea planseului pelvin cu telecomanda wireless. Material fin, este discret si vibratiile sunt puternice, are 10 functii de intensitati diferite.
De cand cea mai buna prietena a ei ii spusese cat de incredibile (si mult mai puternice) erau orgasmele ei de cand a inceput sa faca exercitii Kegel, stia ca trebuie sa le încerce. Senzatii crescute in timpul jocului sexual? Doar folosind un mic kegel dragut, excit-o? Bineinteles ca trebuia sa aiba un kegel la distanta a excitat-o pentru ea insasi! Isi tinea mini Kegel excite-o in palma si si-a tinut respiratia in timp ce si-o strecura in ea.
Se simtea confortabila si plina. Ii placea acest sentiment. Ea stia ca o poate purta in secret si nimeni nu va sti vreodata. Ea si-a strans muschii PC impotriva lui si a numarat pana la cinci. Aceasta avea sa fie cea mai placuta rutina de antrenament de pana acum! Ea a apasat pe telecomanda si a simtit o vibratie care flutura adanc in tunelul ei intim. Oh wow. Auzise despre cat de puternic ar putea fi orgasmul punctului G si spera ca daca se excita cu Kegel acesta va fi capabil sa-i ofere unul. Ea a apasat din nou butonul telecomenzii si vibratiile mai rapide i-au transmis placere pulsanta intre picioare.
Mmmmm... s-a trezit fredonand si rezonand de excitare in timp ce vibratii senzuale palpitante ii mangaiau punctul G. Si-a strans muschii kegel impotriva excitarii ei, pentru a intensifica senzatiile. Nu-i venea sa creada cat de minunat se simtea asta. Deja planuia sa-si poarte emotia – cat de des putea, chiar si in public. Iar iubitul ei ar fi emotionat sa tina telecomanda si sa preia controlul placerii ei interioare prin apasarea unui buton. Gandul acela o facu sa ofteze. Acest lucru le-ar face cu siguranta jocul sexual și mai sexy.
Cu diferite modele de vibratie si-a gasit rapid orgasmul apropiindu-se. Si-a strans entuziasmul - si mai puternic, prinzandu-si placerea in timp ce o unda orgasmica pulsa in punctul ei G si întregul ei corp a inceput sa tremure si iar sa tremure. Ce sentiment extrem de incredibil! Da, deja astepta cu nerabdare urmatoarea ei sesiune de exercitii Kegel orgasmic.
Totul este despre Ea
- Lungime: 64 mm
- Lățime: 32 mm
- Adancime: 32 mm
- Greutate: 31,18 grame
- Caracteristici și funcții: telecomanda, reincarcabila, compatibil USB, multifunctional, vibreaza
- Informatii despre baterie: 1 reincarcabila prin USB (inclusa) 2 AAA (nu sunt incluse)
Ever since her best friend had told her how incredible (and soooo much stronger) her orgasms were since she started doing kegel exercises, she knew that she needed to try them. Heightened sensations during sex play? Just by using a cute little kegel excite-her? Of course she had to have a remote kegel excite-her for herself! She held her petite kegel excite-her in the palm of her hand and held her breath as she slipped it inside herself.
It felt snug and filling. She liked this feeling. She knew she could secretly wear it and no one would ever know. She squeezed her PC muscles against it and counted to five. This was going to be her most enjoyable workout routine ever! She pressed the remote control and felt a fluttering vibration deep inside her intimate tunnel. Oh wow. She had heard about how powerful G-Spot orgasms could be and was hoping that her kegel excite-her would be able to give her one. She pressed the remote control button again and quicker pace vibrations sent pulsing pleasure between her legs.
Mmmmm… she found herself humming and resonating with arousal as thrilling sensual vibrations caressed her G-Spot. She squeezed her kegel muscles against her excite-her to intensify the sensations. She couldn’t believe how wonderful this felt. She was already planning to wear her excite-her as often as she could, even in public. And her lover would be titillated to hold the remote control and take command of her internal pleasure with the press of a button. That thought made her sigh. This would definitely make their sex play even sexier.
With different patterns of vibration, she quickly found her orgasm approaching. She squeezed her excite-her even stronger, grasping her pleasure as an orgasmic wave pulsed in her G-Spot and her entire body started to throb and tremble. What an intensely incredible feeling! Oh yes, she was already looking forward to her next orgasmic kegel exercise session.
It’s all about Her
- Length: 2.5 in. - ( 64 mm )
- Width: 1.25 in. - ( 32 mm )
- Depth: 1.25 in. - ( 32 mm )
- Weight: 1.1 oz. ( 31.18 grams )
- Features and Functions: Remote Control, Rechargeable, USB Compatible, Multi-Function, Vibrates
- Battery Info: 1 Rechargeable through USB (Included) 2 AAA (Not Included)