10m Sfoara Rosie Bondage, Excellent Power
Sfoara rosie bondage lungime 10 metri, material 100% bumbac, brand Excellent Power. Poti imobiliza partenerul in cele mai variate pozitii.
Bondage Rope 10m Red aveti fantezii despre un joc sexy cu tine pentru rolul dominant? Atunci acesta va fi produsul pentru tine! Asigura-te ca sclavul tau iubit nu se poate misca in timp ce il tachinezi si il seduci. Leaga-l in pozitia pe care ti-o doresti. Deci ai voie libera sa faci orice vrei. Daca esti genul supus si vrei sa fii cel care este legat, atunci acesta va fi cadoul perfect pentru stapanul tau!
Excellent Power's Sex Extra Red este ideal pentru cei care doresc sa exploreze lumea sclaviei si dominatiei sau supunere intr-un mod sigur si stimulant. Cu acest accesoriu bdsm poti experimenta jocuri erotice cu adevarat interesante si fantezii sexuale. Funia are 10 metri lungime, moale si puternica, perfecta pentru a-ti lega partenerul in diverse pozitii, asigurand confort si siguranta in timpul jocurilor erotice. Jucaria sexuala este potrivita atat pentru cei care sunt incepatori in BDSM, cat si pentru utilizatorii mai experimentati care doresc sa-si extinda colectia de accesorii erotice.
Japanese Rope 10m Red Have you been fantasizing about a sexy game with you for the dominant role. Then this will be the product for you! Make sure your love slave can’t move while you tease and seduce him or her. Tie him or her up in the position you wish for. So you have free reign to do anything you want. If you are the submissive type and you want to be the one who’s tied up, then this will be the perfect gift for your master!
Excellent Power's Sex Extra Red is ideal for those who wish to explore the world of bondage and domination or submission in a safe and stimulating way. With this bdsm accessory you can experience truly exciting erotic games and sexual fantasies. The rope is 10 metres long, soft and strong, perfect for binding your partner in various positions, ensuring comfort and safety during erotic games. The sex toy is suitable both for those who are new to BDSM and for more experienced users who wish to expand their collection of erotic accessories.
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